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We do not send spam or marketing emails, you’ll only get emails relevant to Enson’s visits.

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May/June 2024 - Website access

We haven’t had access to our website for about 1 month. We are currently sorting through orders and emails and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your support and patience while we sort through the backlog. Please contact us here if you have any questions about your order.

Enson’s second book is now available!

order your signed copies here:

shipping times

Shipping times - We are still experiencing shipping delays. Please allow up to 2-3 weeks in some cases for delivery. We will try to keep the shipping times updated in the announcement bar above.

Featured bracelets

Destiny Forever Store

Destiny Forever Store

Enson Inoue

Enson Inoue

Destiny Forever Gallery

Destiny Forever Gallery

Enson Inoue is the embodiment of the Yamatodamashii way of life and state of mind. With roots in both Hawaii and Japan, DESTINY FOREVER LLC aims to unite people under a common vision of gratitude and helping people, through the creation of beautiful custom jewelry - designed, fitted and handmade by Enson Inoue specifically for the intended wearer.

Please see click the photo to get more information on Enson’s missions or visit: http://www.ensoninouefoundation.org/

Please see click the photo to get more information on Enson’s missions or visit: http://www.ensoninouefoundation.org/